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Invoice Financing

Unlock growth potential. Don’t chase invoices, chase business success. Say goodbye to unpaid invoices and aged receivables. With Access to over 40 lenders find a BETTER option today

Invoice financing: Unlocking cash flow for your business

Managing cash flow is essential for the health and growth of your business. One powerful tool to keep your finances on track is invoice financing. At Better Money, we understand the importance of ensuring your business has the necessary liquidity to thrive. Let’s explore how invoice financing solutions can help unlock cash flow in your business.

Introduction to invoice financing

Turning invoices into cash flow

Invoice financing, also known as accounts receivable financing, is a financial arrangement that allows your business to access funds by selling its outstanding invoices to a lender. It’s an effective way to bridge the gap between completing a job or delivering a product and receiving payment from clients.

Why choose invoice financing

Invoice financing offers several advantages, including:

  • Immediate cash flow: Access funds tied up in unpaid invoices.
  • Working capital: Boost your business’s financial stability.
  • Business growth: Invest in expansion, operations, or opportunities.

Why choose Better Money for invoice financing?

Your partner in cash flow management

Better Money is your trusted choice for invoice financing, and here’s why:

Specialised expertise:

We specialise in providing tailored financing solutions. With our expertise we can identify the right solution to assist your business requirements.

Easy 90 second online application:

Our online, easy application  is designed to save you time and hassle. Focus on what you do best and let us handle the details

Personalised solutions:

Invoice financing needs to be structured to meet your unique needs. With access to over 40 lenders we can identify the right lender and product to assist your business requirements.

Optimise your Cash flow

With Better Money as your partner, you’ll have the financial tools needed to maintain a healthy cash flow and support your business’s growth.

How invoice financing works

Navigating the path to cash flow

Understanding how invoice financing works is crucial:

  • Your business provides goods or services to clients and issues invoices.
  • Instead of waiting for clients to pay, you sell the invoices to a lender.
  • You receive an immediate advance on the invoice amount (typically a percentage).
  • Once the client pays the invoice, the remaining amount is provided to you, minus fees.

Key features and benefits

Empowering Your Business

Invoice financing comes with key features and benefits, such as:

  • Fast access to funds: Quickly unlock cash tied up in invoices.
  • Improved cash flow: Better manage operational expenses and growth.
  • Flexible repayment: Repay the advance when the client settles the invoice.

Cash flow optimisation

Invoice financing offers:

  • The ability to take on larger projects or orders.
  • Confidence to offer credit terms to clients.
  • The option to negotiate early payment discounts with suppliers.

Common uses of invoice financing

Versatility for your business

Invoice financing can be used for various purposes, including:

  • Meeting payroll and operational expenses.
  • Investing in business expansion or new opportunities.
  • Managing seasonal or unexpected fluctuations in cash flow.

Discover how invoice financing can enhance your business’s financial stability.

Eligibility Criteria

Who qualifies for invoice financing

Eligibility for invoice financing may include:

  • Proof of business ownership and registration.
  • A history of issuing invoices to clients
  • Current invoices that are not being used as security with other lenders

Our team at Better Money can guide you through the eligibility process.

Application Process

Streamlining the application journey

Applying for invoice financing with Better Money is straightforward:

  • Begin by completing our 90 sec online application.
  • Provide details about the invoices you wish to finance.
  • We will match you profile with lenders to give you a BETTER choice.
  • You receive an immediate advance on the invoice amount, and the remaining balance is provided once the client pays.

We handle it, so you can get on with it

We understand that waiting for payments can hinder your business’s growth and stability. Let us bridge the gap between invoicing and receiving payment, so you can  cover operational expenses, invest in growth opportunities, and seize new projects without delay. Don’t let unpaid invoices hold your business back.